Wednesday, October 24, 2012


When first presented with the proposal to ban DHMO, or dihydrogen monoxide, I immediately realized that DHMO is water.  The website for this proposed ban,, is composed of completely accurate information regarding water.  However, if you didn't already know that this is water, then you would think that you are reading about a highly dangerous chemical! Many examples of what the site explains about DHMO are listed is the picture above.  All of these are true about water, but the way they are presented is very misleading.  This teaches teachers AND students the importance of extensive and accurate research.  Even if something contains accurate information, it may be manipulated! This is a good website to have older students look at.  When students start to learn how to write research papers, or essays that need sources, they need to know the risks and tricks to finding accurate and unbiased material.

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